Rally Point PR is fresh off the heels of Money 20/20, a high-profile event in the financial sector that attracted over 12,000 attendees and 300 reporters this year, presenting unique challenges and opportunities for effective public relations. 

As communications shops consider 2024 activations, use this guide with our learnings, including behind-the-scenes strategies and insights, to help you navigate the complexities of media engagement and add real value to both your brand and attendees alike.

Ten Key Strategies:

  1. Data-Driven Approach: Emulate successful data-centric announcements, which lead to compelling coverage. Consider conducting surveys or using data-driven narratives to attract media attention.
  2. Strategic Media Engagement: With many attendees and reporters, identify the right journalists for your story.  Get approval before pitching your sources and tailor your approach to each outlet based on their preferences and audience.
  3. Local Stories, Global Impact: Focus on stories with local resonance and global appeal, pitching these to both local and international media outlets for broader coverage.
  4. Broadcast Best Practices: Understand and respect the working patterns of broadcast media. Acknowledge their multiple commitments and tailor your pitch to fit into their busy schedules.
  5. Align Expectations: Be aware of the reporters’ tight schedules. Recognize that they are not at the event to work 24/7, and adjust your expectations and pitch timings accordingly.
  6. Adding Value at the Conference: Consider what unique insights your spokesperson can offer. Ensure that your participation is insightful and adds tangible value to the event.
  7. Understanding Reporter Goals: Recognize that reporters are also there to learn. Offer insights that enhance their experience rather than just conducting interviews.
  8. Contextual Relevance: Ensure your news and spokesperson fit the show’s context. Assess if your news is relevant to the ongoing discussions at each specific show.
  9. Early PR Involvement: Involve your PR team early. They can help shape the narrative, ensuring your contributions are relevant and engaging.
  10. Time Zone Considerations: Plan media interactions with international time differences in mind. Consider the logistical challenges, especially for early morning broadcast hits.

    And Three Key Cautions…

    1. Avoid Information Overload: Your pitch should be clear, concise, and relevant. Avoid overwhelming reporters with too much information or irrelevant details.
    2. Respect Reporter Workloads:  Understand that reporters are balancing numerous tasks. Make your interactions efficient and empathetically acknowledge their time constraints.
    3. Avoid Last-Minute Pitches: Plan your media interactions in advance. Last-minute pitches are less likely to succeed due to the event’s hectic nature and reporters’ packed schedules.

    Whichever activation you choose, effective PR requires a nuanced understanding of the media landscape, the event’s dynamics, and the needs of reporters. By adopting these strategies, you can ensure that your presence in 2024 not only captures media attention but also adds substantial value to the event, making it a fruitful experience for your brand and the attendees.


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