Tech companies are perennially under scrutiny, frequently juggling complex issues that could swiftly amplify into significant crises. A mismanaged crisis can unleash chaos, dissolve trust, sully your brand, and even precipitate financial collapse. Yet, if steered adeptly, crises can unveil unique moments to display responsibility, transparency, and empathy.

The choreography of crisis management begins long before the first note strikes—it’s rooted in the quiet domain of preparation. Hence, tech companies must construct a robust crisis management foundation well in advance. This includes maintaining a dynamic, updated website with an easily navigable contact page, a comprehensive FAQ section, and a clear, compelling brand narrative. Fundamentally, your brand’s credibility and trustworthiness must be firmly established before any crisis can cast a pall over it.

Designing a crisis playbook is crucial—a premeditated strategy delineating protocols, such as spokesperson appointments and procedural flowcharts, to handle potential crises. But, first, it requires pinpointing the principal, the alternate, and the sequence of actions. While preventing a crisis may be beyond your control, your response is within your power. And the right reaction can pivot the situation from a damaging debacle into an exhibition of competent problem-solving.

Consider SVB’s crisis response, which Fortune cited as a cautionary tale. The bank’s missteps—communication gaps, blame-shifting, and truth evasion—starkly contrast the values we champion: clear communication, accountability, and honesty.

Effective communication extends beyond merely disseminating messages—it’s about fostering dialogue. It encompasses prompt acknowledgment of situations, timely updates, and transparency regarding impacts and mitigation plans. It involves engaging with stakeholders—customers, partners, and employees—responding to their inquiries and concerns swiftly and honestly. Finally, it’s not merely about voicing the right words; it’s about performing the right actions. As the adage goes, actions always speak louder than words.

When these actions are rooted in accountability and transparency, they can turn a crisis into a testament to your company’s integrity and resilience. Case in point, Target and Samsung; both grappled with serious crises—a data breach and malfunctioning batteries. However, both companies faced the issues head-on, went the extra mile to safeguard their customers, collaborated with experts and regulators, and instituted stronger protections to avert similar incidents. The crux of their response was openness, problem acceptance, and dedication to finding a solution. By converting a crisis into an opportunity for growth, they maintained stakeholder trust and safeguarded their reputations.

The dance of crisis communication is complex, and mastering it demands a commitment to preparation, transparency, and accountability. But when executed correctly, this dance can present a company not merely capable of managing crises but one that rises from them more robust and resilient than before.

This excerpt is from Rally Point’s new playbook, Mastering the Art of Tech Thought Leadership. If you like what you read, download a copy here. 

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